“I am truly honored to join the UNA-USA National Council as a representative for the Southeast. This opportunity not only welcomes me into a fold of dedicated leaders but also charges me with meaningful responsibilities,” said Beduk. “The National Council, convening biannually in dynamic summits and in the heart of New York, engages continuously through its robust working groups and subcommittees. These teams tirelessly advance our critical missions—spanning membership growth, legislative advocacy, and educational initiatives, among others—preparing diligently year-round for effective governance.”
The National Council consists of just over 30 people: two, three or four representatives who serve as ambassadors for the 11 UNA-USA regions. Regional Representatives are elected to two-year terms to support local activities that fulfill UNA-USA’s mission to educate, inspire and mobilize advocates. As liaisons between regions, the National Council and the UNA-USA National Office, Regional Representatives offer a voice and forum for over 20,000 members.
“As we work together, crafting recommendations and supporting our local chapters, I am inspired by our collective commitment to make a significant impact,” said Beduk. “It's a privilege to contribute to such a vibrant community dedicated to global betterment.”
Beduk, a long-time UNA-Atlanta member and former president of the chapter, has more than 20 years of international experience in classroom education.
“We are so proud of Selen and her brilliant leadership of UNA-Atlanta, which will continue to be shared in her role as our Southeast Regional Representative,” said UNA-Atlanta President Tracy Gray. “She was born to fulfill this leadership position because of her focused, intense and emotionally accurate insights.”
To learn more about Beduk, visit our About Us webpage.